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How great is this fantastic September weather!?! Thanks to the sunshine people are still able to wear their limited edition Vancouver, we love you tanks around town and send us pictures, which we love just as much! Here's our latest from Vancouver, we love you supporter Devon Lougheed. Devon is one of the many super talented musicians here in Vancouver and plays guitar in beekeeper and Hey Ocean!. Devon and the Hey Ocean! crew have just said goodbye to Vancouver to embark on their cross Canada tour and Devon is going to be a Vancouver, we love you ambassador and wear his tank across our fine country. We're excited to see the photos he sends us from the road. Why does Devon love our city?
"I'm super stoked on the Vancouver music scene right now; I think that we are really close to an attention-grabbing critical mass of amazing artists that will demand national and international attention. It's happened to other parts of Canada -- it's our turn now!"
Want to be featured on our site? Easy! Just email us a photo of you wearing your Vancouver, we love you shirt and a short blurb about why you love Vancouver or a particular spot in the city.
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