Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vancouver: The Best Place On Earth? A Podcast...

It's true that we love Vancouver. But as proud as we are to show it off to the world, we don't want take a blind eye approach to some of the grittier sides and issues surrounding our city. This summer some of the Vancouver, we love you crew and supporters participated in a Down Town East Side tour, and were either introduced to or reminded of the major social justice issues ingrained the heartbeat of our city that are frequently glossed over or ignored. As wonderful as Vancouver is, it undoubtably also has it's failings.

In celebration of Vancouver's 125th anniversary, the Vancouver Sun and Simon Fraser University's History Department have partnered to present a year long lecture series exploring different aspects of this history of our city. Their first lecture, "Vancouver: The Best Place on Earth?" was of particular interest, as Vancouver authors Charles Demers and Matt Hern discuss this topic of what makes a city great and why, despite picturesque surroundings, Vancouver might fall short. Take a listen and let us know what you think about their thoughts on the city.


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